That one purchase of ABC Saints from makes several appearances at our annual All Souls/All Saints Day Party, including our Saint Walk. While we clearly can’t use this idea in a group this year, I thought I’d share it anyway, just in case you have enough people in your household to make it happen at home, and just in case you remember it for 2021 . . . or 2022?
The Saint Walk is a favorite of all four of my kids. It’s probably the best one for winning prizes, and we absolutely rig it so that every kids goes home with something! To create the Saint Walk, I printed out about 15 of the ABC Saints, enlarging them so that they each took up an entire page. After a few years of just having them in page protectors, I finally laminated them in our Faith Formation office. Teacher stores and office supply stores will also have laminating options if your church doesn’t have a laminator available.
Using my trusty roll of blue painter’s tape to secure them to the floor, I made a small oval with the laminated pages. Make sure there’s a bit of space between each one so the kids have to really step to the next one. In the middle of the circle, I put a plastic pumpkin full of Saint cards, leftover Bible crafts, Saint medals, rosaries, etc. I usually pick up some of the St. Joseph books at a Catholic store – the ones that only cost $1.25. To keep costs in check, most of the other prizes are donated by our Altar Society, and our rosary group, the Guadalupanos. You can always cut images off of old Christmas cards and the like, and you can put in a bulletin announcement asking for donations. People love to get rid of their piles of Saint cards for a good reason.
Bring a blue tooth speaker, a CD player, or just your singing voice (because I inevitably forget the other things), to play music as the kids walk. Stop the music after the kids have made it around a bit, and call out a Saint name. Since these Saint pictures also have their letter prominently displayed, I often call out the letter, too. The kids get extra excited when they can identify the letter themselves. Make a mental note of who won, and pick a different kid on a different Saint the next time. The little ones do not notice that you’re not just choosing at random. If you have older kids, make an official draw pile and choose one each round. Whoever’s Saint is called gets to choose a prize. Our kids stay in the game because we usually have less than 15. If you need to do more than one round of kids, you can have winners exit the game for a different activity once they have their prize.