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Supporting your domestic church and your faith formation class, one project at a time.
Resources for Sunday Mass, domestic church home decor ideas, Monstrance crafts for First Communion and Adoration, thoughts from Catholic moms on living the faith, our favorite books, and so much more!
Meet the Team
We’re a small group of Catholic women in San Antonio, TX, with vocations as wives and mothers. We’ve been blessed with scraps of time (a.k.a. an ability to ignore children and housework) to use a few of our other God-given talents to share on this site. Together, we have a passion for our faith, catechesis, communication, food, and making pretty things. Want to join us?
Come back and see us!
If there’s a craft you need or an idea you’ve been brainstorming, stop back by to see if we’ve thought of that, too. And if we haven’t, email us what you’re hoping for, and it might just become our next project!