I adore simple things that bring to mind the reality of Christ’s True Presence in the Eucharist. Especially right now, when so many are preparing for First Communion, I think giving good, thoughtful images to our kids of the little bit of understanding we have of this profound Sacrament helps them enter into the Mystery more fully. You can even hand them out as party favors or thank-you gifts for your child’s First Communion party.

Have you seen the Shine-a-light books? Have you seen this one with the Saints? I gifted a copy to a friend after seeing the YouTube video explaining it, and I have wondered how to make my own images like it ever since. With First Communion in mind, I decided to give it a try. And now all you have to do is print it double-sided, hold it up to the light, and see what appears!

Once you print it, you’ll understand it better. On the one side is an image of a host, that for the purposes of this craft/activity, we’re going to assume has been consecrated. When you shine the light of faith behind it (a.k.a. a flashlight or battery-operated candle), Christ’s face appears. The image printed on the back is a public domain painting of the Good Shepherd. His face is lovingly adoring the sheep he holds in his hands. That’s the face that appears on the host. The rays radiating out from the host envelop the rest of the image, just as Christ’s mercy reaches out to us, His sheep.

Because I also adore Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, I thought first of Christ the Good Shepherd. In the Atrium, we remind the kids that it’s Christ the Good Shepherd who invites us to the Altar. The Good Shepherd feeds us and cares for us, and loves us so much. He gives His sheep the best food, Himself, to nourish them. It is through the Eucharist, that simple piece of unleavened bread, that Christ found a way to be with us forever.
If you only have a black and white printer, or you want this to be more of a craft for your kids, you can use the coloring sheet version. They can color the front image of the host with the rays surrounding it, and then shine the light. The image on the back is the same. You can also encourage them to create their own. Cut out a circle of paper, or use our host image, and let them create an image of Christ on the back. The more contrast they can give the outline of Christ’s features, the better he’ll show up. Here’s a good video on how to draw Christ if you need some direction.
Both files are available in our Google drive. The links below will take you right to them!
Free Printable True Presence Eucharistic Image
Free Printable True Presence Eucharistic Coloring Sheet